Empathetic Reading Coach

Compassionate and insightful reading support

Reading Curriculums and Programs

I'm excited to help enhance your child's reading skills. The programs and curriculums I've taught to elementary school students include:

  • American Reading Company

  • Fundations (Wilson)

  • Heggerty

  • HMH into Reading

  • Teacher's College

girl in red hat holding book
girl in red hat holding book
Possible Scenarios

If your child:

  • has difficulty concentrating, ADD or ADHD

  • has underdeveloped fine motor skills that make writing painful or frustrating

  • missed school or reading instruction in previous grades (due to COVID or for any other reason)

  • changed schools

  • learns best when things are explained with patience and empathy

  • learns best when things are explained in ways that are personally relevant and engaging

  • has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan

I would be happy to assess your child's reading and writing skills. By understanding your child's strengths, preferences and interests, as well as potential gaps in their reading skills, we can create a strategic plan to target and close them together. With a combination of direct instruction, customized learning tools, games and activities, your child can become a more confident and proficient reader!

a woman reading a book to a child
a woman reading a book to a child
a child reading a book
a child reading a book